Mega Supply Pro

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Piazza Terminal

Philadelphia’s Largest New Development

Mega Supply Pro is proud to be part of the new Piazza Terminal – a series of steel stud framed buildings over a two-story concrete podium. This strategy creates a variety of scales for the large development of 1,166,980 GSF. The tallest tower elements, at 16 stories tall, form a backdrop to a central courtyard plaza edged by retail occupancies in the smaller scale buildings that surround the plaza. Mega Supply Pro will be sourcing and supplying everything from construction materials to interior design elements and fixtures aimed to integrate the site into the urban fabric as smoothly as possibly.

BKV Group is overseeing the architectural and engineering aspects of the project, planning the North Hancock Street side of the site to be of a lower scale to relate to the adjacent single-family townhouses. And the Germantown Avenue side relates to the more public and retail edge, as well as multi-family scale of Schmidt’s Commons.

Nearly 682,000 square feet of residential space contains 1,144 apartments. The Piazza Terminal’s second floor features amenity space, which extends by way of a skybridge across the courtyard. In addition, an amenity deck is located on the fifth floor. This is situated above the existing parking garage with two pools and robust lounge areas, materials for which are being procured by Mega Supply Pro.

Retail parking is provided on the ground level, while five more floors of parking are dedicated to residents. Five percent of all parking spaces at Piazza Terminal provided are dedicated for green vehicles.