Mega Supply Pro

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Four Strides in Creating Energy-Efficient Buildings

Creating an energy-efficient building is a priority for many apartment buildings and residential builds. The less energy you use, the better off our environment is, and the more money the company can save. There are a few methods for conserving energy in buildings of various sizes that help to create a measurable difference in energy use. If you still need to incorporate these ideas, now is the time to consider one or more of them. Keep reading to discover what you can do and how to get started.

1. Solar Panels

Using solar panels is not a new idea. Solar panels reduce your energy expenditure and allow you to do your part in reducing energy consumption while saving money. Solar panels may be a significant investment initially, but they provide an incredible ROI for those who decide to take that route to power all or part of the building.

2. Energy-Efficient Lighting

Using energy-efficient lighting is one of the easiest and most effective ways to conserve energy and reduce costs. This type of lighting is relatively inexpensive and costs only slightly more than traditional lighting up front. However, it saves plenty on energy costs and lasts longer than conventional lighting. Our commercial lighting suppliers in Philadelphia can provide you with various options for most cases of use. 

You can also choose to use more daylight instead of artificial light. Although heat and UV rays can enter through traditional windows, you can switch to energy-efficient windows that don't allow heat to transfer and block UV rays from damaging objects inside the building, such as carpets and equipment. Find these windows through a window wholesaler in Philadelphia like Mega Supply Pro! 

3. Monitor Your Energy Usage

Gather detailed information about each area of energy expenditure. Create a baseline for use and determine what your energy savings goals are in advance. Use your data to help you determine where improvements are needed and where to make extra efforts to reduce energy consumption.

4. Energy-Efficient Motors

When you switch to energy-efficient motors, you significantly reduce your energy expenditure. This action alone can save surprising amounts of money and help you effectively do your part to conserve natural resources and reduce your energy needs throughout the building.


There are several ways to save energy and money when you start taking measures to monitor your energy usage and take steps to reduce it. Whether you make several changes at once or slowly convert to these practices over time, it's worth the effort and allows you to reduce your footprint and incorporate greener practices. Whether you need energy-efficient lighting or new efficient windows, Mega Supply Pro has what you need to reduce your energy consumption.