Commercial Fixtures
From the highest end TOTO hand dryers and toilets to competitively priced automatic faucets, we specialize in putting together complete bathroom packages for commercial, multihousing, mixed use and industrial applications that meet specified criteria and fit the existing budget. We will make it work.

Technology & Style
From smart shut-off faucet valves that mix hot and cold water and turn on and off by sensing the user's proximity, to touchless flush valves and waterless urinals - we follow the latest technological advancements, and are ready to pass the knowledge to our customers, and their clients.

Sustainable Approach
Depending on your locality, the water consumption, appliance efficiency, chemical content, and usability aspects may be regulated differently. California has stricter efficiency regulations, Massachusetts doesn't want specific materials used in fixtures, daycare facilities and schools have their own criteria, and a shopping mall bathroom should comply with current ADA standards. And we're on top of all that.